2025-01-06 10:02:29
Hi, I’m Seth and welcome! I wrote this blog as a way to (1) share, document, and compress knowledge about my various projects, and (2) communicate with the greater tech community (recruiters, engineers, data scientists, etc.).
My interests are in applied machine learning, natural language processing, computational linguistics, and software engineering.
Things I like outside of tech include:
- Tea, always brewed with loose leaf
- Board games: Clank!, Archipelago, etc.
- Video games: Starcraft, Warcraft III, Risk of Rain 2, etc.
- Hiking, rock climbing (indoor and outdoor)
- Linguistics/foreign languages: I am moderately proficient at reading written French and Spanish
- Starcraft/Warcraft custom games: someone once wrote a whole strategy guide about a StarCraft game I made!: War of the Lost Kingdoms Strategy guide
Personal Projects
- RichChk: edit StarCraft maps directly in Python!
- pyw3x: a Python wrapper around existing libraries to open and modify MPQ archives (the format used by Blizzard for both Starcraft and Warcraft III maps).
- mmrpg: an attempt to recreate Dragon Warrior Monsters as a custom map in Warcraft III. It was fun creating the quest, dialogue, monster spawning, and boss systems from scratch using Blizzard’s JASS scripting language.
- Email: sethmachine01 at gmail.com
- Resume: Please reach out to me via email to request a resume.
2025-01-06 10:02:29